Things going through my mind at the moment: Frank Sinatra ‘Singing in the rain’; a boy buying two Coca-Cola cans just to reach higher for the Pepsi button; rainbows and rolling stones; 250,000 bouncing balls going down a San Francisco hill; my grandmother’s tired voice in the telephone; mountain trips; French seminars; International Trade essays; autumn leaves; kisses under a cherry tree; 22:01… 22:02; tea and hookahs; heartbeats; bad grapes; wet long hair; cold shivers; spoiled apples; the crashing of a wave on a deserted beach; double beds; carefree summers; lime tea with lemon; hot chocolate; warm cheese sandwiches; cold hands; one month; three months; white tulips, anniversaries; snow; fog; ice; freshly baked bread; warm rooms; novels; glasses; oil lamps; candles; ; bubble baths; puppies; black cats; good luck charms...
Are you tired yet of the labyrinth that my mind is?!...
I am...
[photo: weheartit.com/user/astronautas]
Are you tired yet of the labyrinth that my mind is?!...
I am...
[photo: weheartit.com/user/astronautas]
1 comment:
'I´m laughing at clouds
So dark, up above..'
:)your mind is not a labyrinth, it's some kind of magic land..you know, like in harry plotter:P
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