You breathe in, and when you exhale, the glass in front of you becomes foggy and the view blurrier. You start drawing patterns with your forefinger on the cold window. A raindrop touches that exact spot on the other side of the glass, where your finger is. It's cold. You can feel it, the difference in temperatures. Outside and inside. It's cold, it's soothing, just like kissing cold wet lips when you are a little bit too warm. It calms you down, it eases your senses. Your finger gets a kiss from a raindrop. Then the gravitational forces start kicking in and it starts to fall, to slide down the glass, until in reaches the wooden frame. You feel the need to trace it down, to prolong the feeling, but you know you can't, it would ruin the pattern on the window. So you let it fall.
Outside of you, of your room, of your building, it's still raining, the water is still gathering bellow. Your forehead is touching the glass window and you close your eyes. It's still cold and you can still feel it, nothing has changed. You breathe in deep and with your right hand you wipe the drawing from the window. It's just a name, as once it belonged to a face, just another face; and the clock keeps ticking and the time keeps flying by...
[photo: www.picasaweb.google.com/bowlerportraits/Illustrations#5133227264484009410 ]
that's pretty much emo!:P
I had it up to here (pointing over the head)with this emo crap.Until a few years back, there was no such thing as emo, and everyone was a lot happier. I mean, just because something is sad or melancholic...it's emo. Get over yourself. I am not suicidal, the text is fictional...
emo? lol. now you can't be a little bit sensitive because you're emo...wtf?
actually i really like this post. "your finger gets a kiss from a raindrop"... awsome images! awsome way of describing the rain and the soul in the same time!
This reminds me of a January afternoon when I went alone in the park after classes and everything was very white and pure. Just the snow, the sky and me. ok, you might argue that the text is about something else. But what i get is the same feeling of loneliness, without being something frightening. a loneliness you simply enjoy
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