My desire to be extraordinary has always haunted me and made me feel inferior to all the rest. I presume that this is one of my sins: to continuously try to prove myself and to constantly fail miserably.
I have done many mistakes in my life, and I am conscious of the fact that I will be making many more before my time is up; but this side of me, this need of mine to be better than the rest, at least in their eyes, no matter how much I try to bury it deep inside, it resurfaces again and again tormenting me and making me feel despicable.
On the other hand, if you are smart enough to be aware of this unwritten rule, and start acting similarly to all the rest, then you are doing it precisely to prove to everyone that you are special, as if you try so hard to fit in with the other people, but because of your superiority, you can never quite accomplish it. This, of course, is hypocritical of you. Only a truly modest person can fit in such a small patern, that of a remarkable being, and can actually be extraordinary, because he is not aware of it and at the same time he doesn't want it, or need it ar brags about it.
I am everyone and no one in particular because I am a human being and at the same time I am unique because I have a conscious with which I rationalize differently from all the rest.
[photo: www.designfederation.net/interviews/interview-with-jordan-clarke/]
Mr. Shake are dreptate, dar in anecdota aia cred ca se refera mai mult la 'muritorii de rand', care simt nevoia sa iasa in evidenta, in orice fel. Tu nu ar tebui sa iti faci prea multe griji, pentru ca nu cred ca simti nevoia sa te faci remarcata in domenii relativ banale. A, si apropo, nu trebuie sa te simti prost doar pt faptul ca esti 'better than the rest':)
wow. you and your old obsession! i never thought it would get here, but it finally did. cred ca-ti place sa filosofezi prea mult pe o chestie care n-are nicio finalitate (nu ca filosofatul ar avea). dar asta e pur si simplu conditia umana, avem nevoie de asta pentru a ne individualiza si trebuie sa iesim cumva in evidenta, chiar prin respingerea faptului ca suntem speciali. si parca pana acum doar te laudai cat de constienta esti de faptul ca nu esti speciala! maybe this is too personal...
Tocmai de aceea am si scris asta, pentru ca sunt contienta de mine si de ceea ce sunt.
mi se pare super draguta penultima prop ...doar cineva modest poate fi extraordinar...
dar am o nedumerire. am gasit si io ceva "i can not intend anything which it must be so completly beyond my power of command"
adica sa stii cat poti tu sa faci,sa fii modest, si sa nu vrei mai mult, si asta te face extrordinar?
si de ex primu om care a zburat cu avionu ?nu vroia el sa depaseasca niste limite?e sau nu extraordinar?
Idea e ca e bine sa iti cunosti limitele dar in acelasi timp e extraordinar daca le poti depasi. Asta e parerea mea, cel putin.
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