We wait in long endless lines to buy things, to get the best product or the cheapest one. We wait for the weather to clear out so we can leave the house, we wait for the phone to ring, for him to call, for time to pass, so we can watch something or go somewhere. We are in a continuous wait for the next moment and the next and the next, because it would hopefully bring something new, something better, anything that will break the habit, the pattern, the endless circle in which we all got so wrapped up. We are in hope for a better tomorrow, a tomorrow that may never come, and probably never will, because while we are sitting here expecting ... what?, we don't even know ourselves anymore; time flies by, the present is always wasted waiting...for a change.
[photo: www.jacketflap.com/megablog/index.asp?blogid=568]
stii ce urasc eu rau de tot? cand ascult muzica sau fac urice si am boxele aprinse, telefonul langa, si incep sa bazaie. atunci ma opresc si ma uit atenta la telefon, asteptand sa sune. si ce mare e dezamagirea cand se lasa liniste. nici bzzzzzzzzzz nici "tara noastra", nimic. nici nu stiu de ce mai astept ca de cativa ani se tot intampla asta.
stiu ca e o banalitate, dar, serios, chiar nu imi place!
pe mine ma streseaza cand cineva zice ca suna la ora X si se face tarziu, X + N ore si tot nu suna. si cand, in final, suna, vorbeste la telefon de parca nimic nu s-ar fi intamplat.
sau cand suni pe cineva si nu iti raspunde. pe urma trebuie sa astepti sa te sune persoana respectiva cand vede apelul. sa va scoateti telefoanele de pe silent!
Nu stiu cat de mult era ceea ce am scris despre telefoane asteptate..ma refeream mai mult la evenimente, dar presupun ca e un text deschis interpretarilor.
Si ca tot vorbim de telefoane, stii cand asculti muzica pe calculator, astepti un telefon(nu neaparat important, sau poate important pentru tine...whatever) si ai impresia ca il auzi, cand defapt e doar melodia de pe winamp care suna asemanator(in imaginatia ta)...
mamaaaa, ce aluzii. de fapt, ce direct!
ohh la naiba.... helooo...am ajuns sa dau commenturi pe blog, ce sa'i faci cand nu merge treaba cu invatatul pentru sesiune ~X(.... unde e vremea cand astepta saracu' om cu lunile pana ii sosea postasu' cu scrisoarile si in fericitul caz de a primi o felicitare, dar ce sa le faci......generatia Mc'Donalds la putere si soon to be Burger King....te pupa nasicu
ai asteptat vreodata sa fii asteptata?? aaaaah, ce tragic mi se pare
"I look around me
But all I seem to see
Is people going nowhere
Expecting sympathy
It's like we're going through the motions
Of a scripted destiny
Tell me where's our inspiration
If life won't wait
I guess it's up to me
Procrastination running circles in my head
While you sit there contemplating
you'll wind up left for dead
Life is what happens
While you're busy making your excuses
Another day, another casualty"
("When I'm Gone" - Simple Plan)
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