In hope for a cold winter day I started reminiscing my fist cold season spent in Bucharest. And the conclusion that I reached after 3 months in hell is that this city is the worst place to be in when it snows. It's dirty and muddy and sinister. You leave the comfort of your warm home for a scenery that creates repulsion. When you look down, it's dirty, the snow is stained, it's dark from all the dirt, it's already half melted(but not enough to not be there) and full of footprints and paw prints. It's dark and ugly and slippery.
If you look up, you are greeted with bare trees, no leaves, no life; they seem to want to touch a sky that's gray and dark and clouded.
You left your home for this sight that is sad and pitiful, you left that warmth to be shoved, sworn at, pushed, ambushed, to fall, to get dirty; for the smells and for the noises.
You wish you could be on an isolated land, where the snow is untouched, pure and white, where there is no mud or dirt. You want to make snow angels and look at a white and luminous sky that reminds you of a long forgotten childhood, with a pine forest in the background that is neither bare nor lifeless and a small house, a home that has smoke coming out of it's chimney. Then it starts snowing slow and pure and everything is quiet and perfect.
And then a car honks at you to move, because its passengers are in a hurry. And you do just that, because you have to face rush hour at the subway, and to get to college on time, in a desolated Bucharest.
[photo: www.jacketflap.com/megablog/index.asp?blogid=568]
I hope i will have another opinion next year, when i will be in Bucharest!:))
yup! you are a little bit crazy! e mijlocul verii si tie iti arde de zapada si de 'snow angels':P lasa melancolia deoparte!.si iesi din casa mai des;)
aa..inca ceva: bloggul tau e prea..roz!:P
Stiu...speram sa induc lumea in eroarea cu imagini dragute si culori vesele. Crezi ca a functionat?
"Get up, get out, get away from these liars
'Cause they don't get your soul or your fire
Take my hand, knot your fingers through mine
And we'll walk from this dark room for the last time" ("Open Your Eyes" - Snow Patrol)
see this is the reason why i LIKE SUMMER:x:X:x!!! aaa ... and u shouldn't think about whintre ...girl is the middle of the SUMMER:X!!!
mie imi place asa roz 8->!!!
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