You close your eyes and you can feel the raindrops on your skin, running down your cheeks, falling on your lips, tracing the contours of your face. It's refreshing, it's a way of releasing everything you keep bottled up inside of you, it makes you more calm, more peaceful. It's almost like you have been screaming for the last hour from the top of a hill. Rain has a cleansing effect on your body. Like all your mistakes are washed away, leaving behind a new you, a better you.
Have you ever walked through a park after it had just rained? Have you ever breathed in the air? Could you feel it? It is like a new begging, a new start in life, a new chance to do better, to become something.
You're free...For a few seconds, minutes, moments you are loose and disconnected from all the problems in the world, from all your problems.
Breathe in deep and then come back to the cruel reality, 'cause the sun is coming back from behind a cloud. The dream is over...for now.
[photo: www.s299.photobucket.com/albums/mm320/amyannettecisse/?action=view¤t=fantasy-6.jpg]
E cool sentimentu' dar tre sa stii cand sa revii pe uscat, ca daca nu racesti!
nu ai mers niciodata cu mine prin ploaie. I have my place ;)
'English summer rain':) oow, yaah! :D
Placebo, the best music there is...
"Standing in the rain...
20 years of dirty needles, rain drops running through my veins!
My head, it hurts, each day it's getting worse,
No sun, my room has now become my hearse,
Cold sores, I'm beat, got bruises on my feet,
My pride, these men have taken it from me!"("Standing In The Rain" - Billy Talent)
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